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Salt spray chamber simulates the salt spray environment and test the salt spray corrosion resistance of various materials and products. Salt spray chamber can conduct NSS, AASS and CASS test complying with ASTM B117, ISO 9227 and other relevant standards. The chamber body is usually made of glass fiber reinforced plastics,which has strong corrosion resistance. 

Salt spray chamber can accurately reproduce corrosion in marine or high-salinity environments with controlled salt spray deposition, and its salt spray unit can evenly spray salt spray to ensure that the surface of the sample is uniformly affected by corrosion.

LIB Industry Salt Fog Cabinet Types

LIB Industry Salt Fog Cabinet Case

LIB Industry Salt Fog Cabinet Case

Salt spray chamber is a necessary equipment for corrosion testing. In 2023, CNM Planning Lead Supervisor (Quality) to make an inquiry for the S-150 to conduct a durability test of the coin material.

What Are Advantages of Using LIB Industry Salt Fog Cabinet?

1. Excellent quality: Xi’an LIB Industry is a provider with a unique brand,and also is the market leader in production,LIB conducts performance testing, functional inspection, commissioning test, calibration, and issue reports on every step to guarantee quality before the salt fog Cabinet is completed.

2. After-sales care: Professional and timely after-sales service to solve your worries. 3 years warranty, lifetime service.

3. Reasonable price and solution: According to your test requirements, LIB provide the most suitable configuration of salt fog cabinet to improve test effect and rational cost.

How to Choose the Right Salt Fog Cabinet?

1. Test requirements: Determine the type of test and standards you need to perform, such as ASTM B117, ISO 9227 and etc.

2. Capacity and sample holder: LIB salt fog cabinet has a variety of models, according to your test needs and sample size to choose the appropriate capacity of salt spray test chamber.

3. Control system: LIB salt fog cabinet with PID controller, can accurately control the temperature, humidity, salt spray deposition to ensure the accuracy and reliability of test results.

4. Control system: LIB salt fog cabinet with PID controller, can accurately control the temperature, humidity, salt spray deposition to ensure the accuracy and reliability of test results.

LIB Industry Salt Fog Cabinet PDF Resource

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Xi'an LIB Environmental Simulation Industry
No.6 Zhangba First Street, High-Tech Area, Xi'an City, Shanxi Province, P.R. China 710065
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No.6 Zhangba First Street, High-Tech Area, Xi'an City, Shanxi Province, P.R. China 710065
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